Formula for successful migration to Slovakia

Good day, dear reader!

If you are looking for an opportunity to migrate to Slovakia or the European Union, this article is for you. If you have any misunderstandings about the process, questions, and uncertainties, this article is also for you. This article will not create personal plans for you, as this needs to be done individually. But it can systematize your understanding of documents and migration processes.

ATTENTION! Read the fable about the hare and the tortoise who competed to see who could reach their goal faster.

The Fable of the Hare and the Tortoise

In a forest lived a hare and a tortoise. The hare was known for his speed and energy, while the tortoise was known for his slowness and calmness. One day, during a conversation, the hare heard the tortoise talking about the importance of achieving goals. The hare, confident in his abilities, proposed a race: who would first reach the Great Meadow beyond the hill.

The next morning, as soon as the sun rose, they started the race. The hare immediately rushed forward but soon noticed that the road ahead branched. He stopped for a second, not sure which path to take, and chose the left path. After running for a while, he noticed that the path was leading him away from the hill. Realizing his mistake, the hare went back.

The tortoise, on the other hand, had chosen the straight path from the start and slowly but surely moved towards his goal. He walked step by step, without distractions and doubts.

The hare, returning to the main path, tried again to overtake the tortoise but soon encountered another fork in the road. Again unsure of which path led to the goal, he hesitated and chose another path that seemed right to him, but after some time realized that he was wrong again.

Meanwhile, the tortoise, confidently moving along the straight path, continued his journey. The hare, jumping between different roads and goals, wasted time and energy. He always thought there was a shorter and faster way but kept returning to the starting point.

Finally, when the hare, once again choosing the wrong path, returned, he saw the tortoise standing at the finish line, tired but happy.

‐ How is this possible? ‐ the hare was surprised. ‐ I was so fast!

The tortoise smiled and replied:

‐ On a long distance, it’s not only important to be fast but also to know your way. You were rushing between different paths, while I confidently walked towards my goal, following one direction. That’s why I arrived first.


In the EU, with documents, you cannot be a “hare.” We have often seen those who sought a quick solution. In the end, they always lost in the long run to those who did everything systematically and gradually.

Therefore, I propose:

  • Read everything carefully from beginning to end, understand the long-term action strategy, fill out the questionnaire on our website, and receive constructive consultation and/or step-by-step instructions from us;
  • Send us an application, and we will work on your questions.

Let’s get started…

At the beginning of my article, I would like to first remove the “rose-colored” glasses from the optimists but at the same time encourage the skeptics:
  1. Moving to another country ‐ is always stressful. Peace of mind can only be ensured by additional financial costs provided they are not significant for your budget. Many issues will be resolved faster and easier.
  2. If your budget is limited or you are looking for employment opportunities in unskilled jobs, you need to accept the fact that with effort and discipline, and following a clearly defined plan, you will go through full adaptation in 12-16 months and feel as free as at home. This plan can be helped to build by us or you yourself after reading this article.

First of all, it is necessary to set the priorities correctly

This is where people often make mistakes, assessing aspects such as Financial costs of the relocation process, Documents, and Work/Business.

Very often they first look for a job, then agree to move without understanding what documents are needed for further development. And when they move and receive documents, they don’t understand where the difficulties and problems in life come from.

The correct algorithm of actions:

I. Documents

First, you need to understand what document you need to enter another country. Then you need to understand how this document can be developed and what you will have in 1-2-5-10 and 15 years. When you understand this, achieving results becomes easier. You can be a good specialist, a diligent worker, or a successful entrepreneur, but realizing your professional potential will be very difficult without the right documents. Therefore, in the FIRST place is ‐ document and development strategy of your documents.

If your family is involved in this process, it is important to carefully plan everything for the long term. A significant role is played by the visa-free regime with the EU in your passport. This determines at what stage you can start processing documents. I will describe all the stages, and at the end of this section, I will tell you from which stage you can start if you have a passport that provides a visa-free regime with the EU.

Stage 1. Category D visas for citizens of third countries except Ukraine, as well as countries that already have a visa-free regime with the European Union.
  1. For 365 days. This visa allows you to work only for a specific employer through whom it was issued. Changing employers is not allowed, and you can get a residence permit only after working for 12 months. This visa is most often issued to unskilled workers. It is convenient for those who are not interested in migration but in work ‐ you come, start working immediately, without the need to wait for other documents. In 12 months, you can learn Slovak at level A1 or A2 even independently, paying attention to it. If you are interested in migration and do not have any special qualification or the opportunity to open a company, it is best to go through the path of a worker with a D visa and after a year move to a residence permit based on employment.
  2. For 90 days. This visa is issued for submitting documents for a residence permit to the migration police on the territory of Slovakia. Only after obtaining a residence permit will you be able to start working. After visiting the migration police, they will offer you to wait a few weeks in a hostel or return home and come to Slovakia with a “big suitcase” when the document is ready. This type of visa is usually used when a residence permit is required for work or for specialized specialists.
  3. If you are a citizen of Ukraine or were in Ukraine at the beginning of the war on 24.02.2022 and immediately came to Slovakia, you can get the status of “Temporary protection”, which gives you the right to stay in Slovakia legally during the validity of this status, as well as study, work or engage in entrepreneurial activities. You can also transition from this status to any type of residence permit with the appropriate legal documents and regulatory procedures.
Stage 2. Residence Permit
  1. Based on employment. This document provides certain rights and obligations. According to the new law from 15.07.2024, a foreigner who has received a residence permit based on employment cannot change the basis of his stayin Slovakia and switch to another type of residence permit, for example, entrepreneurial, before 365 days from the moment of obtaining the residence permit. If you quit, you will lose the residence permit within 60 days if you do not find a new job in that period. With this residence permit, you can get a residence permit for your family members (spouse and children up to 18 years old), use a mortgage, or car leasing.
  2. Based on studies. This type of residence permit is suitable for those who have really decided to study. Transition to another type of residence permit is not possible until the end of the studies. After graduation, you can switch to other types of residence permits. This document also allows you to bring your family to Slovakia.
Stage 3. Residence Permit based on business
  1. Self-employed individual entrepreneur or legal entity. This type of residence permit gives you freedom in choosing activities. You can work in several directions, for example, being a builder on weekdays and a taxi driver on weekends. Other combinations are possible, such as working as an electrician, welder, or driver. If you have a business idea with potential revenues of more than 50,000 euros per year, it makes sense to register a company and be its director. This type of residence permit allows you to carry out orders in other EU countries, for example, in Germany or the Netherlands, under certain conditions.
  2. Based on family reunification. This type of residence permit is the most convenient. It is intended only for spouses and their children up to 18 years old. Children are accepted into kindergartens, schools, or colleges. Your other half can work immediately (with the employer’s permission) or after 12 months from obtaining the residence permit. You can register a self-employment activity and have the same rights as a person who is in Slovakia on a business residence permit. However, the duration of this residence permit is limited to the duration of the main sponsor’s residence permit. Later, it can be changed to a residence permit based on business or employment. You can also enter a university or attend professional courses in Slovakia.
Stage 4. Permanent Residence (PR)

This is the logical continuation of the development of your document. To obtain PR, you need to stay in Slovakia on a residence permit for 365*5=1825 days (5 years). During this time, you need to have either a diploma from a Slovak university or completed certified Slovak language courses at level A2. With PR, you have almost the same rights as the holder of a Slovak passport but cannot vote in elections. This does not mean that you will get a visa-free regime to the UK, USA, and Canada. Your national passport remains your primary document. With PR, you have more opportunities to use loans for various purposes. PR is usually issued indefinitely, allowing you to live in the country without changing your citizenship.

Stage 5. Citizenship

The process of obtaining citizenship is not easy and can take a long time. You can start it after 3 years of staying on PR. Dual citizenship is prohibited in Slovakia.

Work or Business

Work in Slovakia can vary and can be divided into several groups:

  1. Unskilled worker. This job most often hires people based on physical parameters ‐ age, height, maybe weight, manual skills. In 80-90% of cases, men are required, and only in 10-20% ‐ women.
  2. Specialist. In this category, professional skills, education documents, or certificates, as well as language skills, are important. The most in-demand professions for foreigners are those related to construction, welding, electricity, driving, and other technical specialties. For these professions, it is necessary to confirm professional skills and have a minimal set of documents. For “cloud” jobs, such as programmers, engineers, doctors, and teachers, education and language skills are essential, which will need to be confirmed in Slovakia.
  3. Businessman/entrepreneur.
    • Self-employed specialists. These are mainly people who can work independently but prefer to work as subcontractors for 1-3 companies. The income of such specialists can be 20,000-24,000 euros per year, and when performing orders in higher-paying countries ‐ significantly higher. The problem may be the language barrier, but it can be overcome by dedicating time to learning the language.
    • Self-employed in sought-after activities. These are activities not tied to a specific profession, such as managing a hotel or working in a logistics company.
    • Small entrepreneurs. People who work directly with clients, organizing the entire process. Examples: a cafe, selling helium balloons, a self-employed handyman/builder. If the business grows, you can open a limited liability company and move into the category of legal entities.
    • Legal entities. There are examples where a migrant becomes the owner of a company with a million turnover. The main thing ‐ responsibility and understanding of the business.

The difference between an employed worker and a self-employed one lies in the tax systems and legislative differences in rights and obligations. In EU countries, these differences are almost the same, but with local specifics.

Success Formula

There is a success formula that will help a migrant feel at home in a new country. It consists of several elements:

  1. Freedom = Residence permit that suits your goals + Car + Language.
  2. Money = Specialization + Education documents.
  3. Financial security = Reliable investments.

Explanation of the formula

  1. Freedom. To feel freedom, it is important to choose a residence permit that matches your goals. Public transport is well developed, but for certain jobs, it is preferable to have a car. Language knowledge also plays a key role in successful adaptation.
  2. Money. Education and professional skills will help you find a job. If you do not have a diploma, consider the possibility of obtaining education in your country or attending specialized courses.
  3. Financial security. It is important to think about the future and plan financial investments that will help ensure stability.

How to correctly build an action plan

  1. You can contact us and order a detailed consultation. If you decide to figure it out yourself, we will help with solving individual issues.
  2. All processes have their preparation, submission, and waiting periods. Even experienced specialists find it difficult to plan everything thoroughly. We recommend submitting an application on the website, and we will contact you.